To field eperiments ere conducted during 22 and 23 seasons at the Agricultural Eperimental Farm of Suez Canal University at Ismailia in the first season and El-Manayf district in the second season in Ismailia Governorate to study the effect of four nitrogen fertilization treatments namely 2, 4, and 2 Kg N/fad plus biofertilizer Cerealin as ell as three plant densities namely 4, 3 and 28 plants/fad resulted by soing sunfloer in ridges cm in idth and hill spacings , 2 and 2 cm on sunfloer Sakha 3 variety in sandy soils. Increasing nitrogen fertilization up to Kg N/fad significantly increased all groth characters, yield attributes as ell as seed, biological and oil yields/fad. Applying biofertilizer Cerealin plus 2 Kg N/fad significantly surpassed 2 Kg N/fad alone in the above characters. Decreasing hill spacing up to cm significantly increased seed, biological and oil yields/fad. There as significant interaction beteen nitrogen fertilization and plant density on seed, biological and oil yields/fad. The highest seed, biological and oil yields/fad ere obtained by adding Kg N/fad under dense planting of 4 plants/fad.
I., H., Yakout, G., Khalil, M., & Abo-Eweisha, W. (2014). Response of Sunflower to Nitrogen Fertilization and Plant Density in Sandy Soils. Journal of Plant Production Sciences, 2(1), 1-9. doi: 10.21608/jpps.2014.7405
Hafiz I.; G. Yakout; M. Khalil; W. Abo-Eweisha. "Response of Sunflower to Nitrogen Fertilization and Plant Density in Sandy Soils", Journal of Plant Production Sciences, 2, 1, 2014, 1-9. doi: 10.21608/jpps.2014.7405
I., H., Yakout, G., Khalil, M., Abo-Eweisha, W. (2014). 'Response of Sunflower to Nitrogen Fertilization and Plant Density in Sandy Soils', Journal of Plant Production Sciences, 2(1), pp. 1-9. doi: 10.21608/jpps.2014.7405
I., H., Yakout, G., Khalil, M., Abo-Eweisha, W. Response of Sunflower to Nitrogen Fertilization and Plant Density in Sandy Soils. Journal of Plant Production Sciences, 2014; 2(1): 1-9. doi: 10.21608/jpps.2014.7405